
Sunrise Photography Course at Manly


DSLRs and Smartphones! Working with the stunning early morning first light you will learn to push the boundaries of creative photography. Scott will teach you long exposure seascapes and commando portraiture in this fast moving 2 hour course.


To be on the beach at sunrise is a magical time! Some people will think you are mad for leaving that toasty warm bed in the dark. But you will discover how to understand the morning light and learn how to capture stunning images in your camera or phone.

This course is suited to photographers at all experience levels, from beginners to advanced. It is aimed at controlling the early morning First Light and being truly creative with it!  As the sun rises you get fast changes in light, density and hue and we are changing camera settings to maintain optimum exposure and effect. It's the perfect way to learn photography in Sydney.

The course is split into 3 sections. The first using First Light and creating long exposures over the water. Secondly a short lesson in the principles of photography and on-phone image processing over a coffee, and lastly shooting creative Portraiture into the sea working with bodies, tones and shapes.

To do this sunrise photography course in Manly you will need your camera with manual function, and a tripod, or just your Smartphone.

* The course start time is one hour before the official sunrise time, which varies throughout the year.

creative ocean photography sydney
sunrise portraiture sydney

What Will You Learn

In this 2.5 hr course you will learn

  • Long exposure techniques
  • Manual Mode
  • Controlling light and colour in rapidly changing conditions
  • Creative White Balance techniques
  • Rules of Composition
  • Optimising ISO
  • Commando portraiture techniques
  • How to shoot from the hip

Dates & Availability

Dates Time Location Availability
16 Mar Sun, 6.00 - 8.30am * Manly SPACES
13 Apr Sun, 6.00 - 8.30am * Manly SPACES
18 May Sun, 6.00 - 8.30am * Manly SPACES
